E-ticaret sitenizin kullanımı ile ilgili eğitici makaleleri arayın.
Connectprof Product list
"Click on the Product List from your admin panel. With ConnectProf, you can filter your product list, extract product outputs, perform bulk product updates, and many more operations like product match...
Connectprof Orders Integration List
Integration list lists the integrations made for order transfer between the marketplace and connectprof. You can edit and update order integration from the integration list and check your settin...
Ürün Listesi - Ürün Detay
Connectprof Yönetici panelinde bulunan “Ürün Listesi” ile ürünlerinizin detayını inceleyebilirsiniz. Ürün Detayını incelemek için “&Uum...
Ürün Listesi
ConnectProf Ürün listesi ile ürünlerinizi filtreleyebilir, ürün çıkısı alabilir, toplu ürün güncelleme ve ürün eşleme gibi daha birç...
Pazaryerine Ürün Aktarımı
E-ticaret sitesi sahiplerinin en önemli yapı taşlarından birisi de pazaryeri ile olan entegrasyonudur. Connectprof ile pazaryerleri arasında çift yönlü iletişim kurarak ür&u...
Toplu Ürün Güncelleme
ConnectProf ile pazaryerine aktarılan ürünlerinizi manuel tek tek güncellemek yerine toplu olarak güncelleyebilirsiniz. Toplu güncelleme işlemi için yönetici ...
Connectprof Ürün Kopyala
ConnectProf ile ürünlerinizi kolayca ekleyebilir, güncelleyebilir ve ürünlerinizi kolayca pazaryerine aktarabilirsiniz. Dilerseniz ürün kopyalama işlemi ile ür&...
Connectprof Ürün Listesi
Connectprof Ürün Oluşturma
ConnectProf ile yönetici panelinize manuel ürün eklemesi yapabilirsiniz. NOT : Yeni ürün eklemeleri yaparken XML yada APİ den gelen ürünlerle aynı bilgiler...
Ürün Düzenleme ve Güncelleme
ConnectProf İle panelde bulunan ürünlerinizi düzenleyebilir ve bilgilerinde değişiklik sağlayabilirsiniz. Not: Eğer alt ürün eklediğiniz ürün entegrasyon ile geliyor...
Connectprofda Alt Ürün Oluşturma
ConnectProf ile ürün eklerken alt ürün bilgileri ekleyebilirsiniz. Not: Eğer alt ürün eklediğiniz ürün entegrasyon ile geliyor ise yapmış olduğunuz değişi...
Connectprofa Trendyoldan Ürün Çekme
ConnectProf ile sadece sitenizde bulunan veya XML’den gelen ürünlerinizi değil, tersine entegrasyon ile Trendyol’dan gelen ürünlerinizi de ConnectProf paneline ç...
Connectprof Toplu Ürün Güncelleme
ConnectProf ile pazaryerine aktarılan ürünlerinizi manuel tek tek güncellemek yerine toplu olarak güncelleyebilirsiniz. Toplu güncelleme işlemi için yöne...
Connectprof Ürünler - Ürün Çıktısı Oluşturma
ConnectProf ile ürün çıktıları elde edebilirsiniz. Csv çıktısı almak için Yönetici Paneli > Ürün Listesi > Ürün Çıktısı buton...
Connectprof Tekil Ürün Bağlantısı Kesme
Connectprof paneli içerisinde daha öncesinde pazaryerine aktarımı sağlamaış olduğunuz ürün bağlantısı kesme işlemi sağlayabilirsiniz. Ürün bağlantı kesme nedenler...
Connectprof Tekil Ürün Raporu İnceleme
ConnectProf ile güncellenen ürünlerinizin raporuna ulaşabilir, ürün bazlı raporlarınızı kontrol edebilirsiniz. Tekil ürün raporuna ulaşmak için &oum...
Siparişi ikame Ürün İle Aktarma
ConnectProf ile siparişlerinizi manuel olarak seçerek T-soft alt yapısında bulunan siparişler alanına aktarabilirsiniz.Tüm pazaryeri siparişlerinizi T-Soft yönetici panelinde bul...
Connectprof Tekil Ürün Tüm Veri Güncellemesi
ConnectProf ile her geçen gün yeni eklentiler ve güncellemeler yapılmaktadır. Yeni eklenen güncellemelerden birisi ise tekil ürün güncellemesidir. Ür&uum...
Connectprof XML ürün eklemesi nasıl yapılır?
ConnectProf ile XML yöntemi kullanılarak ürünlerinizi yönetici paneline aktararak tek bir panel üzerinde toplanan ürünlerinizi çeşitli pazaryerlerine aktarımı...
Connectrprof API ürün eklemesi nasıl yapılır?
T-Soft e-ticaret yöntemleri kullanıyorsanız ConnectProf yönetim paneline ürünlerinizi API yöntemiyle aktarabilirsiniz. E-ticaret sitenizde güncellenen tüm ü...
Connectprof CSV İle Ürün Çıktısı Alma
Connectprof paneli içerisinden ürünler, altürünler ve kategorilerinizin excel çıktısını alabilirsiniz. Excel çıktısını almak için csv uygulmasını kullan...
Connetprofda Tekil Ürün Stok ve Fiyat Güncellemesi
Tsoft Alt Yapısında ConnectProfa ürün XML'i Nasıl oluşturulur?
ConnectProf yönetim paneline ürünlerinizi XML yöntemiyle aktarabilirsiniz.XML entegrasyonu yapılabilmesi için dinamik XML linki gerekmektedir. Bu linki, eticaret sitenizden ...
Connectprofda Alt Ürüne Dosyadan Fotoğraf Ekleme
ConnectProf ile her alt ürün için ayrı fotoğraf eklemesi yapabilirsiniz. Alt ürüne fotoğraf eklemek için yapılması gereken adımlar bulunmaktadır. &Uum...
Connectprofa Dosyadan Fotoğraf Ekleme
ConnectProf ile ürünlerinize dosyadan fotoğraf eklemesi yapabilirsiniz. Fotoğraf eklemek için ürünler sayfasından fotoğraf eklemek istediğiniz ürünün d&...
Connectprofda Alt Ürüne Link ile Fotoğraf Ekleme
Connectprof Toplu İşlemler - Etiket Ekle / Çıkart
Connectprof ile ürünlerinize etiket ekleyebilir ve sadece etiket eklemiş olduğunuz ürünleri satışa sunabilirsiniz. Dilerseniz etiketli olan ürünün etiketlerini &cced...
Connectprof Dışa Aktarım Hata Grubu
ConnectProf ile ürünleri pazaryerine aktarırken ürünlerinizin almış olduğu hataları toplu olarak görebilirsiniz.Bu işlemi yapmak için Yönetici Paneli > Dışarı A...
Aktiflik Değiştirme
ConnectProf ile ürünlerinizin aktifliğini değiştirebilir ve yönetimini kolaylaştırabilirsiniz. Aktiflik değiştirmek için “Ürünler” sayfasına tıklayınız...
Connectprof Dışarı Aktarım - Yeni Eklenenler
ConnecProf ile seçili ürünlerinizi pazaryerine aktarabilirsiniz. Ürünlerin pazaryerine aktarılması için yapılması gereken işlemleri tamamladıktan sonra Yöne...
Katalog Ayarları - Alan Yönetimi
Alan yönetimi sekmesinde alanları düzenleme kısmı bulunur. ConnectProf ile her pazaryerine ürün özelinde farklı başlık ekleyebilirsiniz. Ürüne farklı başlık e...
Kategori eşleme
ConnectProf paneli pazar yerlerine ürün gönderimi yapabilmeniz için pazaryeri kategorileri ile göndermek istediğiniz ürünlerin kategorilerini eşlemeniz gerekmekted...
Dışarı Aktarım
Connectprof ile API veya XML ile gelen ürünlerinizi tek bir kanaldan birçok pazaryerine aktarımını gerçekleştirebilirsiniz.Ürün aktarım işlemi ve ayarlarına “Dı...
Export - Exchange Rates
When transferring products to a marketplace with ConnectProf, you can use different exchange rates or offer your products for sale with your own exchange rate information. To perform this process, go ...
Export - Exclusions
With ConnectProf, you can transfer your selected products to the marketplace and ensure that unwanted products are excluded from the transfer. To exclude your products from integration, click on the A...
Connectprof Products - Creating Product Output
You can get product outputs with ConnectProf. To get csv output, click Admin Panel > Product List > Product Output button. The window that opens will open two tabs as create new output and...
Connetcprof Orders
With ConnectProf, you can collect and manage all your orders from the marketplace on just one panel. With ConnectProf's bidirectional integration, you can transfer orders from the marketplace to...
Connectprof Export - Rates
You can use different exchange rates or your own exchange rate information when transferring products to the marketplace through ConnectProf. To do this, click on the Admin Panel > Export page. A l...
Create Product in Connectprof
With ConnectProf, you can manually add products to your admin panel. NOTE: When adding new products, make sure that the information is not the same as the products coming from XML or API. To manually ...
Creating a Sub-Product in Connectprof
You can add sub-product information when adding products with ConnectProf. Note: If the product you add a sub-product comes with integration, the changes you have made will be deleted after the ...
ConnectProf Export - General Settings
With ConnectProf, you can transfer product information to the marketplace as desired. After the export integration is created, click on the Admin Panel > Export button. The list of your integration...
Standard XML Structure
With ConnectProf, you can create XML output of your products. NOTE : XML output works depending on the license. If you have a license, you can create a support request to activate it. If you do ...
Product Creation
With ConnectProf, you can manually add products to your admin panel. NOTE : When adding new products, care should be taken not to have the same information as the products coming from XML or API. ...
Adding a Photo with Link to a Sub-Product in Connectprof
With ConnectProf, you can add separate photos for each sub-product. There are steps to be done to add photos to the sub-product. Click on the Products page. On the page that opens, select...
Single Product Report Review
With ConnectProf, you can access the report of your updated products and check your product-based reports. In order to access the single product report, a single product update is required first...
Creating a Connectprof Export Integration
Marketplace integrations are software that allows you to integrate your e-commerce site and your stores in the marketplace. Instead of adding product information to each marketplace separately a...
Connectprof Catalog Settings - Category Management
In order to send products to ConnectProf panel marketplaces, you need to map the categories of the marketplace with the categories of the products you want to send. For detailed information about cate...
Connectprof Akakçe Structure
With ConnectProf, you can list and update all your products on Akakçe. It offers the opportunity to synchronise the stock and price information of your products in Akakçe with the ...
Order Integration Settings Editing
With ConnectProf, you can access the report of your updated products and check your product-based reports. To access the individual product report, you must first perform an individual product update....
Connectprof Export - Commission
With ConnecProf, you can add commissions to your marketplace-based products. To add commission, from Admin Panel > Export page, click on the menu of the marketplace integration you want to ad...
Beymen Marketplace Integration
Beymen Marketplace Integration refers to a trading model where many different sellers can offer their own products or services under the same roof, often through online platforms, facilitating transac...
Adding a Photo from a File to a Child Product in Connectprof
Connectprof Order Integration Edit - Payment
When editing order integrations, you can reflect it to your site as a single payment method even if you have different payment methods with the selected payment method. For payment method select...
Adding Marketplace-Based Commission with ConnectProf Integration
--- You can add commissions based on price, brand, model, or category from the "Add Commission Condition" section. If you wish, you can also add commissions for specific brands or categories by filter...
Adding Photo with Link
With ConnectProf, you can add photos to your products with a link. To add a photo, open the editing window of the product you want to add a photo from the products page. The product editin...
Edit Order Integration - Payment
Adding Photos with Connectprofa Link
How to add an account to ConnectProf?
With ConnectProf, you can manage all your domestic and international marketplaces such as Trendyol, HepsiBurada, Wish,Beymen,Boyner,Pinterest,Modanisa,Aliexpress, Amazon on a panel. You can mana...
Order Integration Editing - Shipping
Customers who purchase products from the e-commerce site start to wait for cargo after the purchase. The perception of cargo companies in customers affects the conversion of shopping into payment.&nbs...
Stingy Structure
With ConnectProf, you can list and update all your products on Cimri. It offers the opportunity to synchronize the stock and price information of your products in Cimri with the stock and price ...
Connectprof Filter Mapping
In order to send products to ConnectProf panel marketplaces, you need to map the categories of the marketplace categories and the categories of the products you want to send. For the category ma...
Standard CSV Structure
With ConnectProf, you can create CSV output of your products. NOTE : CSV output works depending on the license. If you have a license, you can create a support request to activate it. If you do ...
Connectprof Order Integration Editing - Shipping
Boyner Integration Marketplace
Boyner Integration Marketplace refers to a commerce model where various sellers can offer their products or services under the same roof, usually through online platforms. It hosts a large virtual sho...
Wish Integration Marketplace
Wish Integration Marketplace represents a commerce model where multiple vendors can offer their products or services under the same roof, often conducting transactions through online platforms. It hos...
Edit Order Integration - Statuses
With ConnectProf, you can automatically reflect your order processes to the admin panel. Order processes may differ according to each marketplace. You can provide the installation by matching th...
Filter Mapping
Support Requests
When using ConnectProf, you can get support from our expert friends at the points you want to get help. You can provide solutions or get information by contacting our support team in every area you ar...
Connectprof Order Integration Editing - Statuses
Digitounch Structure
Digitouch is a platform that also provides services in the fields of determining media strategy, conducting market research, preparing media plans, managing and optimizing advertising campaigns in lin...
Facebook Catalog Structure
With ConnectProf, you can easily submit your products to Facebook Marketplace. To use Facebook Marketplace, you need to upload the product records on your e-commerce site to the Facebook Product Catal...
Etsy Integration Marketplace
"Etsy Integration Marketplace refers to a commerce model where various sellers can present their own products or services under the same roof and usually conduct transactions through online platforms....
Adding Ready Filter to Connectprof Category
Since each marketplace has a category tree, category mappings are required for product transfers. Another process that needs to be done while making category mappings is filter mappings. Even if you d...
Google Catalog Structure
GoogleShopping is an advertising platform used by e-commerce sites that sell online. On this platform, your ads are shown when your potential customers search for the products you sell. It doesn't mat...
Connectprof Related Marketing Cloud Structure
Thanks to the ConnectProf product catalog, you can send your recommended products to the Related Marketing Cloud infrastructure. Related Marketing Cloud with ConnectProf is a program that helps ...
Criteo Structure
Criteo is a marketing tool that provides digital advertising and retargeting solutions that help companies effectively engage with customers. With dynamic remarketing, customers are encouraged t...
ConnectProf Entegrasyonu İle Pazaryeri Bazlı Komisyon Ekleme
Komisyon Şartı Ekle alanından fiyat, marka, model, kategori bazlı komisyon eklemesi yapabilirsiniz. Dilerseniz filtreleyerek belirli markalara veya belirli kategorilere de komisyon eklemesi yapabilirs...
Hepsiburada Integration Marketplace
Marketplace refers to a trade model where various sellers can present their own products or services under the same roof, usually through online platforms. It hosts a large virtual shoppin...
Connectprof Kategori Bazlı Stok & Fiyat Limiti Ekleme
ConnectProf ile pazaryerine aktarılan ürünlerinize kategori bazlı fiyat ve stok sınırlandırması ekleyebilirsiniz. Kategori bazlı fiyat ve stok sınırlaması eklemek için Yönet...
Kategori Bazlı Stok & Fiyat Limiti Ekleme
Connectprof Dışarı Aktarım - Hariç Bırakılanlar
ConnectProf ile ürünlerinizi pazaryerine seçili ürünlerinizi aktarabilir, istemediğiniz ürünleri ise hariç bırakarak aktarılmamasını sağlayabilirsiniz. ...
Connectprof Homepage - Marketing Outputs
With ConnectProf, you can get XML outputs suitable for different platforms such as Googleshopping, Related Marketing, Facebookmarketing, Cimri, Akakçe, Richrelevance, Criteo, RTB House, ReklamS...
Import Transfer
If you are using T-Soft e-commerce methods, you can transfer your products to ConnectProf management panel with API method. With the API method, product transfer, updating and control of fields ...
My Connectprof Accounts
With ConnectProf, you can manage all your domestic and international marketplaces such as Trendyol, HepsiBurada, Aliexpress, Amazon on a panel. There are a few steps to be taken to transfer products t...
Connectprof Export - Reports
With ConnectProf, you can transfer products to the marketplace individually or in bulk. While transferring products, you can easily manage marketplace-based transactions by examining the shipping stat...
Admin panel
With ConnectProf, you can transfer your products to the marketplace with a single click, and you can also follow up orders from marketplaces. You can track many areas such as your earnings, best...
With ConnectProf, you can transfer your products to the marketplace with a single click and track orders from marketplaces. You can track many areas such as your earnings, best-selling products,...
Catalogue Settings - Account Association
You need an account that will provide a service connection for mapping the relationship and options between your categories on the Category Management page and the categories of the marketplaces in th...
Connectprof Catalog Settings - Account Association
Export - Reports
With ConnectProf, you can easily transfer orders from your e-commerce site to a single panel and, if desired, transfer the collected orders in bulk to your e-commerce site as well. This way, your orde...
Connectprof Category-Based Stock & Price Limit Addition
"You can add category-based price and stock limitations to the products transferred to the marketplace. To add category-based price and stock limitations, click on the Administrator Panel > Catalog...
Ebay Integration in Marketplace
**Ebay Integration in Marketplace** Ebay Integration in the marketplace refers to a commerce model where various sellers can offer their products or services under one roof and conduct transactions, u...
Connectprof Orders - Submit Order
With ConnectProfun bidirectional integration, you can collect your orders on a single panel, and you can transfer the collected orders to your e-commerce site in bulk if you wish. In this way, y...
Adding Category-Based Stock & Price Limit
--- With ConnectProf, you can add category-based price and stock restrictions to the products transferred to the marketplace. To add category-based price and stock restrictions, click on the Administr...
Adding Category Based Stock & Price Limit
With ConnectProf, you can add category-based price and stock limitations to your products transferred to the marketplace. Click Admin Panel > Catalogue Settings button to add category based p...
Connectprof Order Filtering
Your orders from the marketplace will be listed in the orders field in your ConnectProf panel. You can narrow your order search and control operations by using various filtering options from you...
Export - Newly Added
You can transfer your selected products to the marketplace with ConnectProf. After completing the necessary steps for transferring products to the marketplace, go to the Administrator Panel > Expor...
Connectprof Export - Exclusions
With ConnectProf, you can transfer your selected products to the marketplace, and you can exclude the products you do not want and ensure that they are not transferred. To exclude your products ...
Single Product All Data Update
New plugins and updates are being made every day with ConnectProf. One of the newly added updates is the single product update. If changes have been made between the picture, description or gene...
Connetprofda Single Product Stock and Price Update
New plugins and updates are being made every day with ConnectProf. One of the newly added updates is the single product update. If the price and stocks of your product have been changed, you can...
Connectprof Single Product All Data Update
Batch Product Update
With ConnectProf, you can update your products transferred to the marketplace in bulk instead of updating them manually one by one. For the bulk update process, click on "Product List" from the ...
Connectprof Order Detail Window
With ConnectProf, you can collect your orders from the marketplace in a single panel. You can review and process your orders with their details from ConnectProf admin panel. Click Admin Panel &g...
Connectprof Filtre Eşleme
Connectprof Dışarı Aktarım - Komisyon
ConnecProf ile pazaryeri bazlı ürünlerinize komisyon ekleyerek gönderim sağlayabilirsiniz. Komisyon ekleme işlemi için Yönetici Paneli > Dışarı Aktarım sayfası...
Changing Activity
With ConnectProf, you can change the activity of your products and facilitate their management. Click on the "Products" page to change the activity. Your products will be listed. If you wi...
Pinterest Integration Marketplace
Pinterest Integration Marketplace refers to a commerce model where various sellers can present their own products or services under the same umbrella, usually conducting transactions through online pl...
Order Integration Editing - Colouring
With ConnectProf you can make colouring according to order statuses. Default adverts are added automatically for convenience and for each marketplace and you can customise them. To make customis...
Bulk Category Matching
If you only have products within a single category, you can easily map categories with ConnectProf. For example, if your e-commerce site only sells novels and you have differentiated each novel by its...
Connectprof Order Integration Editing - Colouring
ConnectProf Export - Special Conditions
You can define commission based on desi from the Special Conditions section in ConnectProf. To access the Special Conditions page, click on the Export List page in the admin panel. Select the marketpl...
"ConnectProf Category Deletion"
To transfer your products to the marketplace using ConnectProf, you first need to map your categories. Within the ConnectProf panel, you can delete your categories. To do this, click on the Administra...
"ConnectProf Export Error Group"
You can view the errors of your products in bulk while transferring them to the marketplace via ConnectProf. To do this, click on the Admin Panel > Export page. The list of marketplace integrations...
Edit Order Integration - Invoice
ConnectProf gathers your orders from the marketplace on a single panel for ease of use. In addition, it provides convenience in invoice transactions by integrating with the accounting programme in its...
Flexible Inventory Definition to ConnectProf Integration
By defining ConnectProfa Flexible Stock, you can provide different stock transfer to each marketplace. For the flexible stock definition process, firstly, stock areas must be opened from the Tsof...
Order Integration Editing - Jetofis
To facilitate ease of use, ConnectProf consolidates your orders from marketplaces onto a single panel. Additionally, without the need for paying fees to different accounting programs, it seamlessly in...
Edit Order Integration - Jetofis
ConnectProf gathers your orders from the marketplace on a single panel for ease of use. In addition, it provides convenience in invoice transactions by integrating with the accounting program in its o...
Copy Filter from Another Category to Connectprof Category
If you are going to add similar filters to another category instead of adding individual filters for each category, you can use the copy from another category feature from the connectprof panel. Click...
Connectprof Adding Category Specific Filter
How is product addition performed with Connectrprof API?
If you are using T-Soft e-commerce methods, you can transfer your products to the ConnectProf management panel via API. All products updated on your e-commerce website will also be updated in the Conn...
Connectprof Catalog Settings
The Catalog settings page includes category management, color management, field management, and account association sections. To access Catalog Settings, click on the Catalog settings page in the admi...
Connectprofa Product Withdrawal from Trendyol
With ConnectProf, you can transfer not only your products on your site or from XML, but also your products from Trendyol to your other marketplaces by pulling them to the ConnectProf panel with revers...
OP1001 Entegration
A marketplace refers to a business model where multiple sellers can offer their products or services under the same roof, typically conducting transactions through online platforms. It hosts a large v...
Pazarama Entegration
A marketplace is a business model where various vendors can offer their products or services under one roof, and transactions are often conducted through online platforms. It hosts a significant virtu...
Connectprof İdefix Integration
A marketplace is a business model where different sellers can offer their products or services under the same roof, often conducting transactions via online platforms. It hosts a large virtual shoppin...
Banayeni Entegration
Ebay Entegration
N11 Entegration
LC WAIKIKI Entegratıon
Modanisa Entegration
Ozon Entegration
ConnectProf Uygulamasına Esnek Fiyat Tanımlama
Yönetim panelinize eklediğiniz ürünlere ülke bazlı farklı fiyatlandırma tanımlayabilirsiniz. Eklemiş olduğunuz Esnek fiyatları ise ConnectProf’ta bulunan ürün fiyat...
Export - Special Conditions
Certainly, here is the English translation of the provided text: "You can make specific definitions such as desi-based shipping fee, desi-based commission, country-based shipping fee, country-based co...
Order Integration Editing - General
--- With ConnectProf integration, you can manage orders from multiple marketplaces through a single panel. When configuring order integration, you can adjust all settings related to the communication ...
Dışarı Aktarım - Seçenekler
ConnectProf ile pazaryerine istediğiniz ürün bilgileri ile ürün aktarımı gerçekleştirebilirsiniz. Dışarı aktarım entegrasyonu oluşturulduktan sonra Yönetici Paneli...
Trendyol MarketPlace
Marketplace refers to a trading model where various sellers can present their own products or services under the same roof, typically through online platforms. Marketplaces host a significant virtual ...
CicekSepeti Marketplace Integration
Certainly! Here's the English translation of the provided text: --- **Marketplace Integration: ConnectProf and ÇiçekSepeti** A marketplace refers to a trade model where various sellers c...
Connectprof Trendyol Integration
A marketplace refers to a trading model where various sellers can offer their products or services under the same roof, usually through online platforms. Marketplaces are home to a significant demand ...
Amazon Entegrasyonu
Online ortamda satış yapan firmalar için en önemli unsur e-ticaret sitesi olsa da bunların yanı sıra pazaryeri faktörü de önemli bir unsurdur. Pazaryerleri ile e-ticar...